Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 28th, 2010 is my 30 birthday

Today April 28th, 2010 is my 30 birthday. I am very happy to be part of this world. My soul is happy that I am able to give food for hunger and shelter for homeless. I also feel very happy that my life is most important for the souls that is around me.

On this birthday, I have a wish in the whole world, all the people should have enough good food to eat, clean water to drink and proper place to stay and lead their soul to be happy.

The value of the life is to understand and feel the purpose of the soul on this world. Every soul has a purpose in the world. Every soul in this world needs to be happy to make the world to be happy. Every soul needs to understand value and purpose of it. The life is just a beginning of new thing and death is just a beginning of new thing. The soul is the life. Life is the soul. Make the life to feel the soul so that the life will be more valued.

Every man in this world is unique like DNA since the soul is unique. Every soul is starts for a dot and every dot is a life. Hence the Life beings with a dot. The dot may be DNA or Soul or Life but the purpose is the same. Understand the value of life and soul. Make both the life and soul to be happy with the good deeds and thoughts.

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